This is a Belgian style witbier in the style of Hoegaarden.
The mermaid under my arm is meant to represent SGK, as she wanted me to make this beer (in her favorite style) and then demanded to be on the label :-)
Thanks to Eric at Brewmaster for help in tweaking the recipe. It is the first time my extraction was right on target!
SGK also wants everyone to know that she helped bottle this beer.
For those unfamiliar with the terminology; gruit refers to spices used in beer before the advent of hops. A practice outlawed in Germany due to Reinheitsgebot, but the Frenc enforced a hops ban in Belgium of old so the practice gained it's adherents.
- 1lb White wheat malt
- 2lbs Belgian pilsen
- ½lb Weyermann lt. Munich malt
- 4¾bs Flaked wheat
- ¼b Rolled oats
- 3lbs Belgian pale
- 1lb Rice hulls
Mash at 150°f for 90 minutes
Sparge with 160°f east bay mud (water)
- ½oz 4.5AA Kent goldings pellets @ 60 minutes (The Kent goldings were very old so this represents a double dose)
- ½oz 4.5AA Kent goldings pellets @ 15 minutes
- ⅓oz Bitter orange (again it was old, so this represents a double dose) @ 15 minutes
- 1oz lightly crushed coriander (again, it was old ingredients) @ 15 minutes
- ¼oz 2.7AA Saaz @ 5 minutes
- 1oz 2.7AA Saaz @ end of boil
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